R&D of spatial light control technology

R&D of spatial light control technology for performing high-quality and high-throughput laser processing

Implementation period: FY 2018 - FY 2022

While conventional laser processing can perform precise, high-quality processing, it has the bottleneck of low processing throughput. Processing speed can be increased by parallelizing laser beams. Therefore, a device that can control high-power lasers was required. In this project, we tried to develop a spatial light control device that can control the two-dimensional phase distribution of light with high precision and implement the device into material processing with high accuracy and throughput. Furthermore, by implementing digital feedback technology, we aimed to realize a fundamental technology that achieves high precision and stability in manufacturing.


This research is one of the research themes of “Photonics and Quantum Technology for Society 5.0” (managed by QST), the “Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP)” of the Cabinet Office, Council for Science, Technology and Innovation. The research title was “Light Control Technology Development”.

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