Do you develop the LCOS-SLM system and the LCOS chip itself in-house?

Yes, the whole system including the CMOS backplane and optical thin film is designed and manufactured in-house by HAMAMATSU. This means that the LCOS-SLM is optimized to the laser wavelength.

Can you offer custom LCOS-SLM?

Yes. As mentioned above, all parts of the LCOS-SLM are designed in-house at the HAMAMATSU factory, meaning that there is a higher degree of flexibility with regard to providing customized LCOS-SLM. Please contact us with your exact requirements, and we’ll see what we can do.

In order to correct the phase characteristics and flatness of individual devices, do I have to measure them before actual use?

No, all LCOS-SLMs are delivered with a linear phase characteristic, and an individual flatness correction data is provided.

Does your LCOS-SLM show phase fluctuations/flickering?

We use carefully designed control electronics to electrically drive the LCOS chip. Consequently, the phase fluctuations and flickering are negligible. For further information, please consult us and we can provide further details.

Is there a special interface needed to control the LCOS-SLM?

No, all you need is to use a standard graphics card with a DVI output. Ideally, use a card with two ports to have the control on a monitor and the LCOS-SLM on the 2nd port.

Can you tell us about power handling capability of LCOS-SLM?

There's 4 main elements which determine the power handlling capability; wavelength, average output power, Pulse energy and Peak power. Please refer to the following webpages.

If the laser you use is not shown in Community site, please feel free to ask us and tell us about specs of your laser; wavelength average output power, pulse energy, pulse width, repetition rate. We'll advice you about it.

Do you offer demo loans?

Yes, we can provide you with a demo unit. Please contact us to discuss your experiment and arrange the schedule. This demo loan is free of charge for you and laon period is basically 2 weeks. We'd like you to share the evaluation result when sending it back to Hamamatsu.

Do you have a price list for the LCOS-SLM?

Price lists are not available. Please contact our sales office for the price of the spatial light modulator of your interest.

What is your standard warranty?

The standard warranty is 12 months from receipt of product.

What is the difference between L (including BL,CL) and R (including BR,CR)?

This describes the direction of connectors of heat sink.

L: Left when viewed from the front

R: Right when viewed from the front

Do you offer sample processing or other experiment using LCOS-SLM for fee?
Do you have facilities of optical bench with LCOS-SLM we can visit?

Unfortunately we don't offer any  sample processing or other experiment using LCOS-SLM for fee. In addition, we don't have any  facilities of optical bench with LCOS-SLM the customers can visit. We lend demo unit for free, so I'd appreciate it if you could evaluate LCOS-SLM by using demo unit.

Contact us for more information.

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