What is LCOS-SLM?

Spatial light controltechnology

Spatial light control technology is the focus of much attention as a promising technology for controlling laser processing and machining that are widely used in a diverse spectrum of manufacturing processes. By freely manipulating light, this technology offers the potential not only to increase productivity but also to perform more sophisticated laser processing and machining that have been very difficult up until now.

LCOS-SLM (Liquid Crystal On Silicon - Spatial Light Modulator) is a key device for spatial light control technology to freely manipulate light, since it dynamically shifts the phase of incident light via control signals. This allows manipulating laser light very flexibly by controlling the light wavefront to carry out operations needed by the application.

LCOS-SLM is used in a variety of fields including microscopy applications and other research fields. It offers many advantages that lead to improved productivity in laser processing and machining, making it an exciting and promising device that will deliver innovative manufacturing processes in industrial applications.

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